
The hardest part of working on an open source gene editing system of such magnitude without selling out to big corporations, is maintaining a consistent sensible set of living and working conditions in which to focus on it. In other words, keeping the lights on and the bills paid. We're not after an extravagent lifestyle, or even really what a lot of people think of as middle class. We're just trying to break even and get the job done.

To that end, we hope to get into a position of development where our systems are functional enough for us to sell support contracts and such. But until then, while the code is still being brewed, we'd love if you can help keep us supplied with coffee, ingredients for tacos, Club Mate and pizza, our used Nissan Leaf charged up, our servers running and our computers and lab equipment dry from the weather.

The more of you make small donations, the better. Not that we mind if someone makes a larger donation to boost us too, but the many small donations ensure more stability. Spread the word...

We are not a registered non-profit or charity (the paperwork for that is a job in itself). This means that although we are a public benefit corporation, donations above a certain threshold will be subject to taxes, when we report them to the IRS and to state tax offices. The platforms and banks through which we raise funds and do transfers may charge fees.

Buy us a coffee:
Buy us stability:
Buy us new equipment:
Buy us a lab:
click the Contact link below and let's discuss that.