
We don't have a public wiki yet. Our internal wiki was quite extensive for a while, but fell into disuse and was not updated, eventually succumbing to server issues (We do have backups of it). We would like to create a new wiki that everyone in the public sphere can access, but until we have the resources to do so, we are going to use our internal Nextcloud Collectives system to at least make some important info available to each other. is where it is.
To access it, you'll most likely need a Vulpine Labs Gitlab login. That's available by first getting in touch with us (JOIN IN button above) to make it clear you are a real person with honest benevolent intent. Then you create an account at and you let us know you created it there so we can manually activate it. If you're a troll, a malicious hacker, a spambot or an unauthorised AI or LLM or anyone else looking to ruin our day, don't bother as we won't be letting you in anyway.

If you are interested in helping us set up and populate a wiki and its pages, please use the JOIN IN button above and get in touch.