Vulpine Labs for Yourself


Changing your biological sex to match your gender so it can be how you feel it needs to be, is not very well catered for in the present offering of healthcare worldwide. At Vulpine Labs, we intend to make a full genetic transition option available.

- Through gene editing, using systems designed to handle far more complex modifications than sex organs, sex-based characteristics and sex chromosomes, it will be relatively straightforward to develop the perfect transition model for you and implement it. All combinations of sex organs and characteristics should be considered possible.

We are not a big company, we are a startup public benefit corporation creating an open source ecosystem.
If you want to see this happen sooner, you need to look at your available resources and do what you can to maximise them with a view to using them to assist us. That includes time, money, mental spoons (link to cutlery theory) and space that you are certain are not required for other things or that can be freed up. There are many roles to fill in helping us achieve our goals. Remember to pace yourself - the realities of our work mean a certain floor on usable time needed for some projects and work we do. But there are always little improvements we can appreciate - fixing simple bugs, for example, or spreading the word.

Gitlab projects


Your vision of the future needs the best possible tools for self-modification and actualisation. Adapting and improving your body is your passion. Making the means to do it intuitive, affordable, open-source and available is ours.

- Through gene editing, it will be relatively straightforward to develop the perfect body improvement model for you and implement it. All combinations of characteristics should be considered potentially possible.

We are not a big company, we are a startup public benefit corporation creating an open source ecosystem.

If you want to see this happen sooner, you need to look at your available resources and do what you can to maximise them with a view to using them to assist us. That includes time, money, mental spoons (link to cutlery theory) and space that you are certain are not required for other things or that can be freed up. There are many roles to fill in helping us achieve our goals. Remember to pace yourself - the realities of our work mean a certain floor on usable time needed for some projects and work we do. But there are always little improvements we can appreciate - fixing simple bugs, for example, or spreading the word.

Gitlab projects


For some, becoming your fursona in the flesh is the quintessential expression of your fursona. Freedom of Form is the ability to express yourself in your bodily shape and appearance, and to be free of diseases and suffering so that you can enjoy that form. At Vulpine Labs, we (many of us furries or adjacent ourselves) are here to bring you Freedom of Form, an evolution revolution - whether you suffer species dysphoria or are just keen on using genetic body modifications to fully actualise your fursona.

- We are developing the gene editing systems needed to genuinely change every and any detail of these bodies we have without doing them harm. The tools will be open source and available to all.

We are not a big company, we are a startup public benefit corporation creating an open source ecosystem.

If you want to see this happen sooner, you need to look at your available resources and do what you can to maximise them with a view to using them to assist us. That includes time, money, mental spoons (link to cutlery theory) and space that you are certain are not required for other things or that can be freed up. There are many roles to fill in helping us achieve our goals.

Gitlab projects